Miniature gravestones handmade with a love of cemeteries
Strange & Unusual
I'm Lenore and I like graveyards. They are quiet and peaceful. I also like the fact that other people find them unnerving (that was my favourite bit as a child).
I visit cemeteries wherever I go - on holiday, a day trip to the seaside, even business training - you can be sure that I will find the closest graveyard. I read books about cemeteries, I buy art from cemeteries, I write a blog about my cemetery travels and go on cemetery tours (where, surprisingly, I have seemed to be the only goth...)
I also like plants. My granny had a huge acid carbouy in her house, filled with plants. I used to pretend there were little creatures living in it (it was so overgrown I couldn't acutally see through the glass). When I made my own bottle garden, I decided to make mini gravestones so I could peer at a cemetery at my lesiure.
I made them for myself at first, but other people seemed to like them, so I made more - and I enjoy anything that gives me an excuse to visit more cemeteries for inspiration.
Yours truly at Highgate Cemetery
At Edinburgh's Greyfriars Cemetery
Cemeterrium sets - My gravestones are made from non-toxic modelling clay (that being said, I would not advise eating them). They are water resistant so can be watered over.
I make them all with extended bases so they will stay upright (unless something macabre should upend them from below...)
All my packaging is sourced in the UK, is plastic free and biodegradeable, made from recycled materials and can be recycled (or reused) again. It is, of course, all black. Naturally.
Aside from graveyards - I 'own' two cats who love to knock over and sleep on my plants. I love real ale, Victoriana (no surprises there) and subscribe to the Fortean Times. You can follow my personal instagram here, if you fancy, for pictures of all these kinds of things
I write for US magazine Gothic Beauty
I write a macabre travelog called Until Death. You can read some of my entries here. The ones that directly inspire my cemeterrium stones are on my Death's Garden blog.
Make Contact
Got a question about cemeterriums? Need advice on house plants? Want to share your cemetery travels? Drop me a line
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Follow me for cemetery wanders, photos of my plants and cats. Oh, and occasionally new gravestones...
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